
Alvar Aalto Foundation
Link : Alvar Aalto Foundation

“The Alvar Aalto Foundation maintains the material and intellectual legacy of the world-famous architect and designer Alvar Aalto, and acts to make his work and thinking more widely known. The Alvar Aalto Foundation’s sites in Helsinki and Jyväskylä are meeting points for friends of architecture and design from all over the world. The Alvar Aalto Museum, founded in 1966 in Jyväskylä, is a specialist museum of architecture and design, and a national and international centre for information about Alvar Aalto, with extensive collections that form the basis for its exhibitions and publications.”


Link : iittala

Since 1881, Iittala has been dedicated to inspiring better living. What began as a glass factory in a small village in Iittala, Finland has grown into an internationally known brand that has played a decisive role in defining the Nordic way of life.

Our roots are firmly planted in Finland and Nordic values are what guide us. For nearly a century and a half, our core set of values have helped us in creating design that is balanced, progressive and essential.

Glass is in our nature. It’s at the core of who Iittala is and what we do. For over a century, we have been developing a deep understanding of glass as a material. Our glass expertise is unrivaled in colour, innovation and sustainability.


Louis Poulsen – Design to shape Light
Link : Louis Poulsen

Established in 1874, Louis Poulsen has collaborated with prominent Danish designers to create timeless, high quality products that provide exceptional light. 

Designed to provide exceptional light, our lamps are crafted from high quality materials and made to last a lifetime.  

Louis Poulsen works closely with architects, engineers and lighting designers on specific projects. Many of the light fixtures in our product range have originated from projects – products developed specifically to further optimise the project or the atmosphere and image of a given space. Many products have shown great versatility and thus become standard products in our exclusive range of architectural lighting.


Bruce Percy – Photography
Link : Bruce Percy – Colourchrome

“I’ve always been drawn to the arts: drawing and painting as a kid, music composition as a teenager and photography as an adult.

I’ve been very lucky to have some inspirational people around me during my formative years. I owe a terrific debt to my two music teachers from my time at high school for allowing me the freedom to explore my creative side.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve found that I’m much more attracted to the wilderness and the people that live on the edges of it. Photography is a great way of getting closer to the land and the cultures that inhabit it.”

Mir – Portraits of unbuilt architecture
Link : Mir

“Our small studio is located in Bergen, Norway; the city where we grew up. Here, tucked in between mountains and fjords, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, we try to figure out new and exciting ways to remind people that we live in a fantastic world.

The idea when we founded Mir 20 years ago was that we could make a difference for architects by making images that are noticed. Today we are even more convinced of the same principles as back then.

We believe that uniqueness is worth fighting for and that art can change things for the better.”


Saunders Architecture
Link : Saunders Architecture

“A trans-Atlantic practice, with projects throughout Scandinavia and Europe, as well as across North America, Saunders Architecture is well known for its highly contextual approach and a deep-rooted respect for the relationship between its buildings and the natural world. Led by a strong contemporary design sensibility, the studio believes that architecture must play an important role in creating place by using form, materials, and texture to help evoke and shape memory and human interaction. Projects have encompassed original residential work, cultural commissions, and the hospitality sector, including the landmark Fogo Island Inn in Newfoundland.”


Jonna Jinton
Link : Jonna Jinton Sweden

“More Than Just Jewelry.

We see our jewelry as something more than just a beautiful accessory. Even though they are physical creations from natural materials, we also see them as extensions of ourselves. Symbols for something beyond what we can touch with our hands. They stand for our inner thoughts, hidden potentials and deepest dreams.

Embrace Your Inner Beeing. 

“Only when you take the steps into your inner world, you will find your true self…””


Alternative Lebensformen
Link Webseite : Peace Love & Om – Vanlife und Tinyhouse
Link YouTube : Peace Love & Om – Vanlife und Tinyhouses

“Du interessierst dich für Vanlife und Tiny Houses? Auf unserem Blog findest du Informationen und Inspirationen zu den Themen Vanlife, Tiny Houses, Minimalismus, Nachhaltigkeit, Autarkie und das Leben in Gemeinschaften. Wir geben Tipps zum ortsunabhängigen Arbeiten für dein selbstbestimmtes Leben. Wenn du dich also für alternative Lebensformen interessierst, bist du hier goldrichtig.”


Casas Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables – Bioklimatische Ferienhäuser auf Teneriffa
Link : Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables

We recommend you have sustainable break here for your holidays in our Casas bioclimáticas ITER. Located facing the sea and next to the Natural Monument “Montaña Pelada”, they constitute a self-sufficient bioclimatic urbanization with zero CO2 emissions. A unique enclave that invites tranquility and calm away from the usual tourist circuits.

Participate in the experience of living in constructions of the future, in unique designs of great architectural interest located within a technological park and at the foot of a wind farm. Enjoy services and activities in accordance with the spirit of respect for the environment and local customs. If you wish, you can combine rest with work or training using our Visitor Center.


Das Buch der Synergie

Link : Das Buch der Synergie

“Es geht um uns, um unseren Planeten Erde und um die Energie in ihrer vielgestaltigen Form.

Es geht darum, daß es heute – und für alle Zukunft – Energie in Hülle und Fülle gibt.

Und es geht darum, wie diese Energie ohne räumliche und quantitative Beschränkungen allen Bewohnern unseres Planeten zugute kommen kann – ohne ökologische oder wirtschaftliche Beeinträchtigungen der Umwelt und des Lebens.

Als Beleg für diese Aussagen werden hier alle bislang entdeckten und genutzten Formen der Erneuerbaren Energie präsentiert. Als Generalkarte, wie sie sonst nirgends im Netz existiert – und um einen Gesamtüberblick zu vermitteln, der verhindern soll, daß man sich im Gestrüpp der kontroversen Meinungen von Experten und Expertisen verheddert.

Links_DEFAB house

DFAB House (digital fabricated house)

Link : DFAB House

“DFAB HOUSE is a collaborative demonstrator of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication on the NEST building of Empa and Eawag. As part of the full-featured building project, researchers from eight ETH Zurich professorships have come together with industry experts and planning professionals in a unique way to explore and test how digital fabrication can change the way we design and build.


Sand Batterie
Link : Polar Night Energy

“A “sand battery” is a high temperature thermal energy storage that uses sand or sand-like materials as its storage medium. It stores energy in sand as heat.Its main purpose is to work as a high-power and high-capacity reservoir for excess wind and solar energy. The energy is stored as heat, which can be used to heat homes, or to provide hot steam and high temperature process heat to industries that are often fossil-fuel dependent. “


Sustainable Batteries
Link : BBC Future

“As demand for electric vehicles soars, scientists are searching for materials to make sustainable batteries. Lignin, the stuff that makes trees woody, is shaping up to be a strong contender.”


Next-gen battery tech: Reimagining every aspect of batteries
Link : ArsTechnica

“From more efficient production to entirely new chemistries, there’s a lot going on. (2024)”